What Stage of the Tryout Are You In?

Today’s the day – it’s basketball tryouts at Del Norte High School to see who makes the final cut. I love this time of year!

I’ve been giving my son Kaden (16) a hard time as he thinks he’s a lock to be one of the starting five on his Nighthawks team. I told him…

NOTHING is guaranteed!

There are 10 other kids working their booties off to crack that starting line up…they want YOUR spot!

Kaden’s coach, Bob Spahn, is known for coming up with all sorts of quotes to put on the back of Nighthawk t-shirts and one quote comes to mind this morning…

“Hard Work Beats Talent When Talent Doesn’t Work Hard.”

So let me ask you this…

Have you decided just to ‘tryout’ this passive income game? Or are you ALL IN?

Who’s counting on you to make the team? Who’s counting on you to win?

Is it a foregone conclusion already that you are going to hit your passive income goal – NO MATTER WHAT? Is that goal in concrete?

The decision to get in the game and make the team is a starting point – but having the will to prepare to win – the commitment to put in the hard work to hit that passive income goal is what matters most.

A very small percentage of people have actually created a monthly passive income equal to their monthly expenses.

Our team here at NoteTools.com & Capstone Funding Group wants to help you win!

We’ve created 3 different opportunities for you to prepare to win this passive income game:

  1. Our Monthly Workshops – NoteTools.com/events
  2. Our Paper Profits Mastermind & Coaching Group – NoteTools.com/mastermind
  3. Our Annual Note Investor Summit LIVE Event – NoteInvestorSummit.com

Feel free to reply to this e-mail with any questions, comments or feedback. We’re here to serve!

Be Outstanding!

Travis Tollestrup

Screenshot 2015-11-24 16.45.54P.S. A BIG congrats to my daughter Taylor who fulfilled her dream to play college basketball. She was a late bloomer and did not get a scholarship out of high school.

But she decided that was NOT the end of her tryout!

A freshman at BYU Hawaii…she signed up for a basketball class that the head coach of the women’s basketball team taught. From there she was invited to start working out with the team. Her hard work on the court and off the court landed her a spot on the team as a walk on.

You deserve it, Taylor! You inspire me to take my game to the next level.

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