The World’s Largest Golden Nugget…

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I spent this last weekend in Las Vegas at the 29th Annual NoteWorthy conference along with the rest of the Capstone Funding Group team. It was the 4th year in a row that I’ve attended the event.

While there I had the chance to see the “World’s Largest Golden Nugget” and watched tourist group after tourist group all stop and get their picture taken (Do I look like a tourist?).

Now I have no idea of knowing if this really is or isn’t “The World’s Largest Golden Nugget,” but one VERY large golden nugget I walked away with…reinforced yet again is this…

**There is tremendous Power and Leverage achieved by attending LIVE events and establishing new relationships that cannot be created any other way.**

Well run and well attended conferences are good for mainly one thing…and no, it’s not the “education” you may or may not get although that’s very important. They provide a forum to meet and connect with the kind of like-minded people who can help you reach your goals – especially your passive income goals 🙂

So before you decide to attend a conference or other event in the near future (see our Cash Flow Calendar below each week for upcoming events), go through my simple return-on-investment-type thought process and ask yourself this question:

Is the likely return I’ll get from the relationships I establish and build equal to or greater than the price of the conference and the time I spend there?

If so…attend the event. If not, don’t. It’s that simple.

Now if you want to ensure Max ROI on your event attendance, here are some quick tips and strategies for you:

  1. Contact the host and ask how you can volunteer and help serve him or her and their attendees. Serving without strings attached usually leads to introductions and connections you might not make otherwise.
  2. Set goals ahead of time as to who you’d like to meet or who you’d like to introduce to somebody else. Then do everything with specific intent – set up one-on-one meetings and organize breaks, lunches and dinners strategically.
  3. Sponsor the event. Can you have an exhibit booth? Can you be a speaker? Often times you can pay for the opportunity to do both of these things…and usually for not much more than the price of attending the event in the first place. Exhibiting and speaking is almost always worth the extra investment.
  4. FOLLOW-UP! I recently read that 87% of exhibit booth leads are never followed up on. Ever! Ouch! The fortune truly is in the follow-up. He or she who follows up best…with the most persistence and looks to add value first in their new relationships…WINS!

Since we returned from last week’s event, we are in discussions to speak to two new audiences, had 10 new people register for our upcoming cash flow events, had two new investors send in formal proof of funds to buy notes from us…and I have several e-mails and voicemails still needing a response.

LIVE events truly are the “World’s Largest Golden Nugget” – at least when it comes to the world of real estate and note investing – a relationship and trust business.

Let’s re-connect at a LIVE event coming up soon!

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